Being physically aggressive with the intent to harm someone.

Being physically aggressive with the intent to harm someone. This could be from someone you have a personal relationship with such as a partner or a family member.

Honour based violence is a violent crime or incident which may have been committed to protect or defend the honour of the family or community.

It is often linked to family members or acquaintances who mistakenly believe someone has brought shame to their family or community by doing something that is not in keeping with the traditional beliefs of their culture.

What we do

– We take all instances of violence extremely seriously and involve the police and other agencies where necessary
– We have a Safeguarding and Welfare Team who you can contact if you’re a victim of violence
– We will take action if you have been a victim of violence or fear someone may be violent towards you
– We review our learners’ welfare regularly via telephone reviews and/or learner welfare visits (for 16-19 year old learners)
– We provide advice and information on the Stay Safe section of our website including details of national organisations that can help with special reference to domestic violence.

What you will do

– I will talk to someone if I feel that I am a victim of violence
– I will talk to someone if I think someone else has been a victim of violence
– I know that I can report my concerns to the Safeguarding and Welfare Team at South West Construction Academy Ltd
– In my application pack to SWCA I read and understood the information about the ‘Learner Conduct Guide’ which states that I shall observe and maintain honest and peaceable behaviour at all times

Employers we work with

Any Concerns

Should you have any concerns or would like more information, please contact SWCA Safeguarding and Welfare Team